9.0HD亚历山大·佩特罗夫 Anastasiya Reznik
Twenty-year-old Elya is a student and a future ecologist. One day, Matvey, the head of a construction company, comes to her university to talk about a development plan on the site of an old forest park. Elya does not hesitate to smash his project to smit
6.0HD有村架纯丰岛花岛田铁太 van 若叶龙也佐久间由衣长泽树市川实和子铃木庆一根岸季衣平田满中川雅也风吹淳
在一个平凡的海边小镇,一家便当店门口人头攒动。粗犷的男子们大声谈笑,似乎他们都知道这个永远挂着甜美笑容的店员千寻(有村架纯 饰)曾从事过风俗业的缘故,于是肆无忌惮地开着下流玩笑。面对男人的调戏和女人的嘲讽,千寻始终微笑面对。空闲的时候,她去附近的公园锻炼身体,周身散发着阳光与朝气。对生活感到窒息的少女久仁子被千寻的气质所吸引,于是便偷偷观察她,拍摄她。出身单亲家庭的男孩小诚缺少关爱,他则以粗暴的方式对待千寻。当然,这两个性格截然不同的小朋友最终和千寻建立起了纯洁的友情。阳光明媚,不知是否能照亮孤独安静的
2.0HDEloise Mumford Dan Jeannotte Brenda Strong
Carrying on the legacy of her deceased Belgian paternal grandfather, Lucy Sweet is the master chocolatier at How Sweet It Is in the Midwestern town of Watson Corners, the store which she owns and operates with her widowed mother, Helen Sweet. In this new