
盖亚【影视解说】 7.0 HD 莫妮克·洛克曼   卡雷尔·内尔   亚历克斯·范·迪克   安东尼·奥塞耶姆  在一次原始森林的看守任务中,一位女看林人遇见了两位过着“后启示录”式蛮荒生活的生存者,一对父子。这对父子的信仰似乎自成一派,与自然的关系也微妙诡秘。看林人对这对父子的身世充满怀疑,但当他们的林中小屋在夜里被一种神秘生物袭击,她恍然发觉,在这片肆意生长的荒野,孕育着更加可怕的凶险…
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转折【影视解说】 4.0 HD Marcello Fonte   Chabeli Sastre   Ludovica Martino   Scared of life and lacking the courage to be himself, Ludovico lives hidden away in his grandmother's old apartment. One night, the wickedness of the world goes to visit him in the form of Jack, a boy who is Ludovico's age but has the opposite
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