导演: 高崇悟
剧情: 农历七月,中元节,在新加坡俗称饿鬼节。在这个月里深夜出行会遇上什么意料不到的事?无论是骑两轮的自行车,开四轮的轿车还是乘坐六轮的公共巴士,是否都劫数难逃? 网红小奈为了冲点击率,说服了姐妹们在鬼月
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导演: 未知
剧情: A group of tired commuters have caught the last train home, ready to hop into their beds for the nig
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导演: 蔡京笃
主演: 刘子绚 李沛旭 陈邦鋆 俞宏荣 Nathaniel Ng 陈益鸣 Ashley Seow Johnny Ng
剧情: A group of tired commuters have caught the last train home, ready to hop into their beds for the night. However, their train soon veers off-course and crashes into an abandoned tunnel. The three surviving commuters; withdrawn mother Yi Ling, her son Luca
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导演: 韩耀光
主演: 田铭耀 陈邦鋆 向洋 刘子绚 庞蕾馨 葛米星 范文芳
剧情: 《女鬼爱上尸》(英语:When Ghost Meets Zombie)是一部2019年新加坡浪漫华语喜剧片。讲述一个男僵尸在遇到一个女鬼后,女鬼为了实现自己的选美梦,上身男僵尸并一起参加猛男选美赛。由